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Student Unions, Clubs and Societies
The existence of Clubs, societies, and Associations in the school basically stems from the fact that it is only human beings who live in an organized society. The school system is made up of students across different political, ethnic, social and religious backgrounds. In lieu of this, it becomes a key necessity for each student to at least belong to a group which gives him/her a unique identity.
It is in this light that almost every student belongs to an association, either as an active or passive member. But interestingly, it should come as not a surprised to have some students belonging to even more than three associations. The important determiner in terms of one belonging to one of these unions or clubs is the background, peers and above all the individual interest.
For this reason, whiles they are still in school, it is important for students to consider their social life equally as important as their academic work because of the enormous benefit that come from the former. And so, being a member of a union must not be seen a waste of time, but rather an avenue which offers an opportunity for one to make new friends, and learn new skills and knowledge. As an Executive or active member of a club, a student is in better position to learn event planning, budgeting, public speaking , fundraising etc. especially during handing over ceremonies. This in the long run will help them in the future.