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Our History

Northern School of Business Senior High, Tamale, (NOBISCO) as it is affectionately called is one of the oldest senior high schools in the Tamale Metropolis. It was founded in 1971 by Mr. A. S. O. Arthur as a private business school. Within the first decade of its establishment, Nobisco was ran in makeshift wooden structures with no electricity, potable water, and other basic facilities needed to make students life and academic work comfortable and endurable. The school started with a little over hundred (100) students occupying a land area of about 52.7 square acres even though significant part of it has been encroached.

From its beginning, students offered the following programmes: English Language, Mathematics, Business Methods, Commerce, History, Islamic Studies, Ghanaian Languages, and Geography leading to the award of the General Certificate of Education (GCE “O” Level).

However, in 1991, Nobisco was absorbed by government as a public school, and converted into a senior secondary school, and started to offer predominantly business oriented programmes in addition to Home Economics. Thus, majority of students were offering business courses BLUE A, B, and C with specialization in Accounting, Business Management, Costing, and Economics. There was also class RED for Secretarial and Management with Typing and Clerical Office Duties (COD), Business Management and Economics being their electives. The non-Business GOLD class – Home Economics read Economics, Food and Nutrition, Management -in-Living, Clothing and Textiles.

The school currently offers Business (Accounting Option), Home Economics, General Arts and General Science. Note, the Secretarial and Management option is temporally not offered by any of the current batches. Plans are far advance to introduce Information Communication and Technology in place of it owing to the technological driven world we are currently witnessing.